media awards review

 My favorite  2 projects were  Dyari - Like a Paladin and Frankly – Diamond Is Unbreakable

cinematography/camerawork: composition, framing, BCU, CU, MS, LS, pan, tilt, tracking shot, zoom

The cinematography and camerawork in Dyari's project   was very good  which I think is very evident seen as he was nominated for this  award and ultimately won. The use of  close  up shots  when he open the box is very good and  even the  during the chase scenes  when  he is running away is  exceptionally spot on  and  give the  effect  of  his life is actually at stake.

    As for Frankly the close ups of his face when he  is finally understanding grasp of situations is very good as we see get to see how his character is dealing with the situation, another great use of the situation is  the close up when we see the body being dragged of screen  the use of  this shot add suspense to the scene. 

mise-en-scéne: clothing, props, gestures, facial expressions, sets, setting (CLAMPS)

I think for Dyari  the prop was the highlight for his mise-en-scene. This is because the  box (the prop) he is searching in for is the entire main focus of his story and allows his  story  to continue and breath which is extremely difficult for a Genre as quirky as the fantasy genre. I also think acting was key in Dyari's extract  as he was able to make the characters feel alive a nd he also won the award for best actor.

as for Frankly I think the  facial expression along with the setting  were the best part of mise-en-scene for his extract. This is because  facial expression  throughout  give of the emotion for the  character and the setting of the integration really fits the idea of a crime drama.  

lighting: key light, back light, filler light; underlighting, top lighting, back lighting; low-key/high-key lighting

I think  For both Dyari's and Frankly's  extract lighting wasn't really the main focus as  I believe  they were  focusing  on many other areas  but for both they use there location very well   and use the natural lighting  of that area to enhance the theme of the genre e.g Dyari  is outside in the sun which fits the idea of fantasy of exploring and adventure whereas  Frankly is  a gritty area integrating

sound: diegetic/non-diegetic; on/off screen, sound bridge; parallel/contrapuntal sound, voiceover narration

I think  the sound in Dyari's is very good as the non diegetic sound really fits the idea of fantasy and  even the music for the chase scene  fits think it's fits the genre and adds suspense and matches the tone  of the scenario, as the for the diegetic sound  it's  extremely well done  as in the chase scene you can hear the twig breaking  making the scene even more real.

Frankly sound is done very well done as well especially the non diegetic sound the background music is extremely well done  as fits the genre of crime and  builds the intensity of the integration scene. as the for the non diegetic sound I don't really remember  much apart form when the body is being dragged so I can't really comment on it  but the dragging  bought a sense of realism to the scene  

editing: continuity editing, jump cut, dissolve, wipe, fade in/out, cross-cutting, paralleling, cutaways, montage, suturing (shot/reverse shot)

I think the editing in Dyari's was very good e.g the light coming  from off the box  fit the fantasy theme  also the cut and transitions throughout  the extract was smooth and had no bumpy cuts  and had no continuity issues and made bit feel like  a clip from a  real movie.

Frankly editing in his  production was good as it was A-level  the editing and  and continuity  was already at a high  level   and with  it being at  crime drama  thee was not a lot of after effects. 


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